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  Jenny Wakefield Presentations  


Professional Presentations (including Proceedings)


Wakefield, J. (2006, April). Great Web pages – The Elements that Make them Rock and Size Matters – Change it in Adobe Photoshop. Workshops at Collin College, Dallas, TX.


Wakefield, J. S. (2009, April). Second Life—the virtual classroom. Presentation at Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2009, November). UT Dallas Second Life plan. Presentation at UT Southwestern on behalf of UT Dallas and Associate Provost Abby Kratz, Dallas, TX.


Wakefield, J. S. (2010, April). Digital storytelling. Paper presented at the Texas Distance Learning Association Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.


Mills, L., Hopper, S., Wakefield, J. S. & Knezek, G. (2011). Relationship of technology affinity to STEM dispositions in higher education learners. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011 (pp. 2452-2454). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Mills, L., Wakefield, J., Najmi, A., Surface, D., Christensen, R. & Knezek, G. (2011). Validating the computer attitude questionnaire NSF ITEST (CAQ N/I). In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.). Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 1572-1579). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Wakefield, J. S., & Warren, S. J. (2011, April). What’s up with gender and math technology? A gender gap persists at the higher education level. Paper presented at the international Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2011, New Orleans, LA.


Gutierrez de Pineres, S., Knezek, G. A., & Wakefield, J. S, (2012, November). Design and development of an academic transition course for first year university students. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.

Kim, J., Moen, W. E., Whitworth, C., Warga, E., Wakefield, J. S., Helsing, J., & Halbert, M. (2012, January). Digital Curation and Data Management Capacity Building: Curricula and Workforce. Paper presented at the annual conference of ALISE, Dallas, TX.

Knezek, G., Mills, L. A., & Wakefield, J. S. (2012, November). Measuring student attitudes toward learning with social media: Validation of the social media learning scale. In Proceedings of the annual convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 127-134). AECT, Louisville, Kentucky.

Knezek, G., Mills, L., Wakefield, J. S. & Hopper, S. (2012, March). Relationship of technology affinity to STEM career perceptions in high school and college students. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 1909-1914). Chesapeake, VA: AACE

Moen, W. E, Kim, J., Warga, E., Wakefield, J. S., & Halbert, M. (2012, February). Building Digital Information Curation Curriculum. iConference, Toronto, Canada.

Wakefield, J. S., Mills, L. A., Warren, S. J., Rankin, M. A., & Gratch, J. S. (2012, April). Design, play, communicate, and learn: Examining the value of learning history through avatar role play. Paper presented at the International Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2012, Vancouver: Canada.

Wakefield, J. S., & Warren, S. J. (2012, March). Rapid prototyping for speedy program design: Designing a program for volunteering undergraduates working in a virtual world. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 3122-3125). Chesapeake, VA: AACE

Wakefield, J. S., Warren, S. J., & Mills, L. A. (2012, March). Traits, skills, & competencies aligned with workplace demands: What today’s instructional designers need to master. In P. Resta (Ed.). Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 3126-3132). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Warren, S. J., & Wakefield, J. S. (2012, November). IT Forum: Social exchange, communication, and learning over a listserv in the age of globalization. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference 2012, Louisville, KY.

Warren, S. J., Wakefield, J. S., & Gratch, J. S. (2012, October). Instructional design and development of “The 2015 Project”: Seeking to promote emancipatory student discourses. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference 2012, Louisville, KY


Crosslin, M., Wakefield, J. S., Bennette, P., & Black, J. W. (2013, October). Leveraging sociocultural theory to create a mentorship program for doctoral students. In Proceedings of the annual convention of Cognition of Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (pp. 393-397). CELDA, Fort Worth, Texas.

Mills, L.A., Knezek, G. A., & Wakefield, J. S. (2013, October). Student-driven classroom technologies: Transmedia navigation and transformative communications. In Proceedings of the annual convention of Cognition of Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (pp. 393-397). CELDA, Fort Worth, Texas.

Mills, L. A., Knezek, G. A., & Wakefield, J. S. (2013, February). Learning with social media: Measurement tools for understanding information behavior in technology pervasive environments in the 21st century. Proceedings of the Annual iConference (pp. 593-600). Fort Worth, Texas.

Wakefield, J. S., Mills, L. A., & Warren, S. J. (2013, June). Learning and teaching as communicative actions: New ways of learning – Transmedia. In. Jan Herrington et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 1609-1614). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. British Columbia, Canada.

Wakefield, J. S., Warren, S. J., Alsobrook, M., & Knight, K. (2013, April). What do they really think? Higher education students’ perceptions on using Twitter and Facebook in education. Paper presented at the International Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2013, San Francisco, CA.

Wakefield, J. S., Warren, S. J., & Ponners, P. (2013, October). Facebook in the classroom: Practice and Problems. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference 2012, Anaheim, CA.

Warren, S. J., Barahona, H., Wakefield, J. S., Newman, A. (2013, October). Learning and teaching as communicative actions: The case of Koan school. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference 2013, Anaheim, CA.

Warren, S. J., Wakefield, J. S., & Barahona, H. (2013, October). LTCA theory and problem-based learning at Koan school: Formative artifacts to assess learning products. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference 2013, Anaheim, CA.

Warren S. J., Wakefield, J. S., & Gratch, J. S. (2013, October). Learning and teaching as communicative actions: Applications of the theory to mobile learning. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference 2013, Anaheim, CA.


Gratch, J. S., Warren, S. J., & Wakefield, J. S. (2014, April). The 2015 project: Promoting student discourses on UN millennium development goals. Paper presented at the International Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2011, Philadelphia: PA.

Pasquini, L., Wakefield, J. S., Reed, A., & Allen, J. (2014, October). Digital scholarship and impact factors: Methods and tools to connect your research. Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014 (pp. 1564-1569). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Wakefield, J. S., Knezek, G. A., Mills, L.A., & Wakefield A.H. (2014, November). Learning, Socializing, and Play with Social Media and Smartphones. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Convention of AECT, Jacksonville, FL.

Wakefield, J. S., Mills, L., & Wakefield, A. (2014). Gender differences and middle school students’ views of smartphone and social media for learning, social connections, and entertainment. Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, 2014 (pp. 694-690). Chesapeake, VA: AACE Tampere, Finland.

Warren, S. J., Gratch, J.S., & Wakefield, J. S. (2014, April). Villainous: A middle school capstone game experience using alternate reality. Paper presented at the International Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2011, Philadelphia: PA.


Wakefield, J. S. (2015, November). Sprinting to the defense of qualitative studies: Rigorous methods in transcendental phenomenology studies. Paper presented at the Annual Conventions of AECT, Indianapolis, IN.

Wakefield, J. S., & Warren, S., J. (2015, April - Invited). Traversing with Technologies: Evaluation of ‘Old Alton’ - an educational transmedia experience. Paper invited to the international Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2015, Chicago: IL.


Wakefield, J. S., & Wood, D. R. (2016, August). District video services. Presentation during Fall 2016 Return Week. Presented at DCCCD Eastfield College, El Centro College, & Northlake College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2016, October). TINAG in Vegas: The culture and essence of teaching using Alternate Reality Games and Transmedia. Paper presented at the Annual Conventions of AECT, Las Vegas, NV.

Wakefield, J. S. (2016, November). District video services. Presented during National Distance Learning Day 2016. DCCCD Webinar:, online, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2016, November). Student support and retention using eCampus for feedback. Presentation at DCCCD Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. & Higgs, La’Kendra (2016, October). Top 10 Student Issues and eCampus Basics. Presentation at DCCCD Cedar Valley College, Lancaster, TX.

Warren, S. J., & Wakefield, J. S. (2016, October). Vegas spotlight on communication: Reasserting the ‘C’ in Communication. Paper presented at the Annual Conventions of AECT, Las Vegas, NV.


Mills, L. A., Wakefield J. S. (2017, June). Student participation in learning: Validation of the learner participation Scale. Paper presented at the International Society of Technology in Education. San Antonio.

Stewart, M., Wakefield, J. S., & Wood, D. R. (2017, August). Strategies to improve your instructor effectiveness and online courses. Presented at DCCCD Conference Day, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, January). OER: Open educational resources. Presented at Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, January). Feedback feed forward: Stream it assessment. Presented at DCCCD Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, January). Student engagement: Engagement and feedback for students. Presented at DCCCD Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, March). OER: Open educational resources. Presented at Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, August). High-tech, low-tech: Tech teaching tools for student engagement and communication. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, August). Six secrets of successful group work. Presented at Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, August). Six secrets of successful group work. Presented at El Centro College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, September). Six secrets of successful group work. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, September). Student Engagement: Engagement and feedback for students. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2017, November). Got media? Finding “peace of mind” materials for your course. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S., Corbin, D. (2017, November). Got Media? Free (almost free) for faculty. Presented at DCCCD Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S., Mills, L., DiPaolo, T. (2017, Nov). ID’s 4 OER: Collaboration, Communication, and Saving Students $$ in an OER Ecology. Paper presented at the Annual Conventions of AECT, Jacksonville, FL.

Wakefield, J. S., & Stewart, M. (2017, October). Collaborate Ultra: Synchronous Online Communication. Presented at DCCCD Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX

Wakefield, J. S., & Stewart, M. (2017, September). Group Them in Groups: Group Basic Workshop. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.


Gardner, D., Gratch, J, Libersat, J., & Wakefield, J. S. (2018, October 26). Incorporating Emerging Technology for Different Disciplines and Different Students. Panel Discussion at AECT Convention, Kansas City, KS.

Stewart, M, & Wakefield, J. S. (2018, January). Group them in groups: Groups basic workshop. Presented at DCCCD Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Stewart, M. & Wakefield, J. S. (2018, October 3). eCampus Gradebook Basics. Presented for Adjuncts at DCCCD Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX.

Stewart, M. & Wakefield, J. S. (2018, October 3). What the Kahoot! Presented for Adjuncts at DCCCD Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, January). Got media? Finding “peace of mind” materials for your course. Presented at DCCCD Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, January). PowerPoint Mix. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, January) Group Them in Groups: Groups Basic Workshop. Presented at Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, January). Easier Collaboration Using OneNote Notebook. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, April). PowerPoint Screen Capture: Building Equitable Slide Content. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, September 18). Lunch & Learn: eCampus Groups. Presentation at Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, August 21) Assessments in Groups. Presented at Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S. (2018, October 27). The AECT Early Career Symposium. Presented to the AECT Board of Directors, Kansas City, Kansas.

Wakefield, J. S. & Govea, S. (2018, November 13) Innovations in Instruction Spotlight Session: Frightfully Fun Survey Tools (Qualtrics and Google Forms). Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S, & Stewart, M. L. (2018, August 16) You taught it but did they get it? (Poll Everywhere & Kahoot). Presented at New Faculty Orientation Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S, & Stewart, M. L. (2018, August 22) Innovations in Instruction Spotlight Session: You taught it but did they get it? (Poll Everywhere & Kahoot). Presented during Return Week at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S & Stewart, M. L. (2018, October 17). Innovations in Instruction Spotlight Session: Giving effective feedback. Presented at Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, TX.

Wakefield, J. S., & Stewart, M. (2018, February). Collaborate Ultra: Synchronous Online Communication. Presented at DCCCD Richland College, Dallas, TX.

Wakefield, J. S., & Stewart, M. (2018, March). Collaborate Ultra: Synchronous Online Communication. Presented at DCCCD Richland College, Dallas, TX


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